- Cynthia, Debbie & Daniel Cort and the rest of the production/band team did an amazing job leading worship. It was one of my all-time favorite Sundays!
- The only think that I like better is when Debbie & Daniel happen to sit behind me in the service and sing in our congregation. God has gifted us with a multitude of talented vocalists and musicians!
- My takeaway from yesterday is that Jesus is truly the ONLY way to everlasting salvation.
- I love Palm Sunday. I love the fact that Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, an indication that He was coming in peace. But the people of Jerusalem responded by laying down their robes and palm branches in His path, an indication of royalty! He came to this earth to bring peace and those who followed Him made Him King of their lives. I LOVE THAT!
- We can do that same thing in our own personal lives. He comes to being peace and we should respond by making Him King of our personal lives.
I've been praying specifically for people to make lasting commitments to Christ at HHICC. These past few weeks, during our message series I AM, I've been offering an invitation for first time salvations, recommitments, and assurance of salvation commitments. Two weeks ago, we had two people make first time commitments, last week another two and yesterday at least seven. God is moving in the life of HHICC and our Island! He is hearing our prayers.! Would you join me in praying for our Easter services this coming Sunday?
- Pray for good weather for Saturday set-up and for Sunday worship services.
- Pray that many people come prepared to have Jesus radically changes their lives.
- Pray that there are many brand new lives who answer "YES" to the question, "Do you believe?"
I hope you can join me on Thursday for our Maundy Thursday service as we reflect on Christ's death for us through communion, prayer, and worship. If you are a Christ follower, this service will be an amazing opportunity for you to express your love and gratitude toward Christ and his sacrifice for you.
So...it's Easter Week! I look forward to seeing you Thursday and then Sunday, 9:30 or 11:00 AM under the "covered environment." (it's a tent, Cynthia...)