Four years ago this weekend, LowCountry Community Church launched the Hilton Head Island Campus as a multi-site extention of itself on Hilton Head Island. This past summer, LCC's elders voted to send us out to become our own church. And so tomorrow begins a new chapter in the life of this congregation. Tomorrow Hilton Head Island Community Church (HHICC) will be born!
I'm honored to have led this extention of LCC over the past four years. I'm thankful for the vision of LCC's Lead Pastor Jeff Cranston, the leadership of its elders and the friendship of the staff. I am forever grateful for Jeff's influence in my life and we, as a church, will never forget how we got to where we are now. I look forward to the days ahead as partners in kingdom work!
With all of that said, it's a new day and it's time to get ready for the future. Over these last 4 years, dozens of lives have been changed as a result of God working through LCC-HHI, but I believe we've just scratched the surface. I believe our greatest impact on the lives of Islanders for the cause of the kingdom is not in the rearview mirror, but is ahead in our not too distant future. It's time to take our mark and prepare for God to work in and through us. Are you ready HHICC? On your mark, get set, let's GO! See you tomorrow at 9:30 or 11:00!
Todd and Cynthia-May God bless you in all you do for Him and his church! Love you!
Posted by: Debbie Beck | 09/10/2011 at 02:17 PM
Praying for you all tomorrow as I preach at LCC-UK. Hope it's a wonderful day for you.
Posted by: Jeff Cranston | 09/10/2011 at 05:08 PM
Thanks Debbie! We'll miss seeing you at Jim n Nicks. :)
Thanks Jeff! I'll be praying for the rest of your UK trip.
Posted by: Todd Cullen | 09/10/2011 at 09:17 PM