Sunday Recap
October 03, 2012
It's good to be back here and sharing my thoughts on our Sunday worship experiences at HHICC. Here was our setlist:
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It was a Sunday of a couple of "FIRSTS!" I simply played in the band (keys, acoustic, AND electric) now that I am one of four worship leaders and it was our Student Pastor, Cody Hensley's first Sunday to communicate. He did a fabulous job! Daniel and Debbie led our musical experience and brought their unique abilities and beautiful artistry to our worship service. It was great to have them sing "Running" from our new Worship CD as well. I am moved EVERYTIME I hear that song!
I can't get over the way our team is coming together and working so hard to create these worship experiences each week. There is such a passion and desire for all of us to give OUR BEST every week and be fully prepared spiritually and musically to lead our church in corporate worship. I'm so thankful for our team and the privilege that I have to be a part of it!
Check out more Sunday recaps here.