a new chapter
Sunday Recap - The Benefit of God's Character

Sunday Recap - Are we Listening?

Splendor Logo  We are in week two of a three-week series called "Splendor." We are taking the massiveness of God and breaking it down into three specifics that we can connect with as Christ-followers. Week one was "The Beauty of God’s Creation." This week, it was "The Blessing of God’s Covenant" and Todd talked about how God communicated to His people under the Old Covenant and now how He speaks under the New Covenant. Our take-away was the importance of creating space in our lives for God to speak...for us to create margin and silence to hear from Him.

Here was our setlist:

"Friend of God" - Israel Houghton

Welcome/Announcements - We introduced our new Family Pastor. Rob Minton and his family!

"Chosen Generation" - Chris Tomlin

Scripture Reading - Psalm 116

"Here is our King" - David Crowder



"Running" -  Gateway Worship - V, C,V, C, C

Time of Prayer - Todd gave everyone just a few moments of quiet to listen to God - not to talk to Him or request anything - just listen - I underscored on keys....

"Running" - Full version


I purposely made the last song very repetitive and longer than normal to give everyone time to not worry about words and to also be still and listen. It was very different, but I felt it really communicated the point.

Debbie and Daniel Cort led worship with me as well as Randy and Macy. We are so blessed with gifted artists at HHICC! Our tech team did a great a job and most of all, we just really have a WONDERFUL time together using our gifts and being in community.

Read more recaps at the Worship Community!
