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Recreate 11 - Day One

Sunday Recap

ThisisthelifeLOGO  We are in Week Two of our Message series "This is the Life" looking at Romans 6-8.  This week, we looked at how we should never allow sin to be our master. We should never open the door to it in our lives in the slightest way.

I chose songs that focused on abandonment to Christ - total surrender in every area. I chose songs that focused on His greatness and because of who He is, he should reign in our hearts. I ended with a song of declaration that focused on Christ as the Lamb who was slain for our sin. It was different way to end the service, but it really connected. The more we sang "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty..." it seemed the more everyone sang and really worshipped. It was quite an experience...

Here was our setlist:

"No One Higher/The Stand" - Hillsongs/Fee

"Counting on God" - NewLife Worship


"The Lord Reigns" - Gateway Worship



TIME OF RESPONSE: Giving, prayer, Communion

"Take My Life" - Tomlin

"Revelation Song" - Jenny Riddle

We had 200 people last week in attendance and 190 this week. It would seem that the HHI Campus has broken through a barrier...PRAISE GOD! We have new people coming every week and three people indicated they accepted Christ today in our services. It was a wonderful day of worship with my church family. What an awesome way to start the week!

Check out some great recaps of worship today all over the world at the Worship Community!
