Sunday Recap
February 14, 2011
I had the opportunity on Sunday to lead worship with our new worship leader, Eric Abney, at the HHI Campus. We both got in on Saturday night, met with the band on Sunday, and made it happen!
We had another record attendance at the Island Campus - 205! There is such an excitement and energy on Sundays. We have a lot of new people and it's wonderful to see them connecting in small groups and in ministry.
I introduced Eric to our Island Campus and yes, I did a jig on stage! I'm so excited to have a team mate and to be able to focus my attention on so many more creative elements for LCC and my songwriting. I'm not going to miss running back and forth between two campuses every week all by myself!
Here was our setlist:
"Your Love Never Fails" - Jesus Culture
Welcome (here is where I did the jig...)
"Awesome is the Lord Most High" -Tomlin
"Everlasting God" - Brenton Brown
Video - Message Bumper
Time of Response: Giving, Prayer, Communion
"None But Jesus" - Brooke Fraser
"Marvelous Light" - Charlie Hall
After an amazing week at Recreate in Franklin, TN, I was so refreshed to lead worship and be with my church family!
CLICK HERE for more Sunday Setlists!