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Sunday Recap - MAD Weekend

image49885003.jpgThis weekend, both campuses of LowCountry went out all over the community and participated in serve projects from building, to landscape, to cleaning, to sharing clothes with our community at both campuses- we call it "Make a Difference Weekend." This year was the first year that the HHI Campus hosted the Clothing Connection on the Island (this was the 4th year for the Bluffton Campus.) We had almost 300 people attend and 50 volunteers who served from the beginning of the Clothing drive to the day of the event. We celebrated that in our services on the Island was our service order:

"No One Higher/ The Stand"- Fee
"Awesome is the Lord" -Tomlin
"The Lord Reigns" - Gateway Worship
"Mighty to Save"
Video- Clothing Connection
Live Testimonies- MAD Weekend
"God of this City"

I've been leading the creative efforts at LCC for the past 8 months and I have to say that this has been my favorite Message Series thus far. We've been able to capture the stories live and on video from our people and share them in such a creative and authentic way. It has moved me to hear LCC people tell their stories. Listening to them share about God working in their lives has been so invigorating!

Join me at The Worship Community!