Sunday Recap
March 30, 2009
This weekend was worship leader swap - I went to the Bluffton Campus and Clay came to the Island campus. I took our Island band with me and we led worship for the Saturday night service and the 2 Sunday morning services. Pastor Jeff shared
a VERY powerful message on "Jehovah - Shalom - The God of Peace." We had
between the 2 campuses about 35 people accept Christ. God was MOVING in
a huge way here!
Our Island Campus is very intimate, Starbucks-meets-church- seats about 100. Our Bluffton Campus is your typical worship center - large stage, image mag - seats about 500. It was the 1st time our Bluffton Campus had heard our Island team (I led there before we started the Island campus 18 months ago). I played acoustic on all the songs, except the last 2 which I played keys. We had a male singer, electric guitar, drums, viola, cello, and flute. I was so proud of my boys Sam and Rob (high schoolers!) on cello and viola - they held the bottom end great (as we are without a bass player right now). Each campus is very autonomous in our worship services including song choices, so I chose songs that both campuses knew and taught them one new one that we do on the Island campus - "How He Loves." Here was our setlist:
"Sing Sing Sing"
"Awesome is the Lord"
"O Praise Him (All this for a King)"
"How He Loves"
"Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)"
"How He Loves" - Chorus only
I've had a couple of e-mail this morning from people in Bluffton who really enjoyed the service. It was a great team building time for us as we had a lot of time to talk and get to know one another better. It was a blast! I'm sure it won't be our last swap weekend.