November 29, 2008
I know it's Saturday and Thanksgiving was 2 days ago, but I took a "real vacation" this week and that means I did NOT bring my computer. I hated being unplugged, but I really feel refreshed. I have so much that I am thankful for this year - my hubby, my kids, my family, my friends. However, this year in particular, I am most grateful for God as MY PROVIDER. I'll be honest..there are still some major things in my life right now that I am praying earnestly for God to "come through" in a serious way, but after 2008, my confidence in God as my PROVIDER has tremendously increased. Some were deeply personal in nature, but most were right out in the open...the new Cullen rental home in HHP complete with a swing set, a decent tax return this year, some new friends on HHI becoming "good' friends," God supplying a permanent location for our church campus, 50 families giving $40,000 toward our new campus, and a drummer and bass player joining our team. Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider...and I'm leaning on His Provision more and more each day.