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July 2008
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September 2008

Who is Palin?

Palin You gotta love this...regardless of what side of the aisle you are on this year. This election has been THE best reality TV show we could ask for. Last night, Obama speaks to an unprecendented 80,000 plus people and not even 24 hours later, McCain pulls a fast one. Who is she?  I admit. I have a vague memory of hearing about her, but I don't know anything about her. Click here for a quick look at where she stands on big issues.  You thought the Olympics were over? Let the games begin...

Aaron Sorkin on Facebook

244sorkinaaron092706 So my favorite screenwriter is now on Facebook. Well, he is actually doing a movie about it...Click here to join Aaron Sorkin and the Facebook movie.  Here's a little of what he said...

"I've just agreed to write a movie for Sony and producer Scott Rudin about how Facebook was invented. I figured a good first step in my preparation would be finding out what Facebook is, so I've started this page. (Actually it was started by my researcher, Ian Reichbach, because my grandmother has more Internet savvy than I do and she's been dead for 33 years.)"

A drummer and a bass player

I prayed .I prayed hard for a year. I mean I really prayed hard. It happened today. I got a drummer and bass player for our Sunday services.  Better yet?  Their good friends. Even better than that?  I didn't go looking for them. God brought them to me. I'm a bit giddy. This isn't the 1st time He's answered my prayer for musicians.  He has a reputation. I pray. They show up.  Not on my time table, but His.

"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."  - Matthew 7:7-8

What has God answered for you lately?

What are you reading?

I'm a book junkie with ADD...the problem is I do not have the time to read everything that is sitting on my nightstand and that I see in B & N. So, I'm trying to make steady progress through the stack I've started that I haven't finished. I read fast, but I skim which means sometimes, I don't get it the 1st time!

I'm focusing on these right now...

1. The Multi-Site Revolution  - this is a re-read(remember, I skim) since I'm attending the conference at Seacoast in September.

2. Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands - Lessons in Non-Linear Leadership - Nancy Ortberg is one of my heroes and a gifted speaker and writer. She gets artists so I like her!

3. When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box  - This is our small group study for the fall. John Orberg shoots straight (oh yeah, he's married to Nancy - can we say "Power couple?")

What's on your nightstand?

"A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking." -Jerry Seinfeld

Sunday Wrap-up

I had expectations that this morning's service was gonna be good...I had a horrible week. I don't know how many times this week I quoted Ephesians 6:12 to myself. No need to rehash the details of the week, but let's just say this morning was true refreshment (oh yeah, a thunder storm decided to start at 9AM and end at 10:30AM - our service starts at 10:30 AM!) Our service was simple - you need to be in community with other Christ followers. Rion and Dave shared THE best small group testimony I have ever heard (the best part was Rion saying that you should host a small group so you will clean your house!) Set list was "Sing to the King," "Because of Your Love," "You Gave Your Life Away," and "Hear our Praises." Just keys, drum loops, 2 vocals - simple and so sweet. Pastor Brian gave a great challenge on the importance of community.  To top it off, I believe that God has brought a bass player and maybe a drummer to our community of musicians here on the Island campus. Bad week, yeah, but great 1st day of a new week.

"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)

Making classical cool

08_langlang2_lg I am a classically trained pianist, but I also play by ear.  As you can imagine, as a kid, I DID not want to practice Bach Inventions or Mozart Concertos.  I just wanted to play what I heard on the radio or at concerts and be cool. But, with the strict guidance of my parents, they would say, "You are going to learn it all so that you have the tools to do whatever you want in music someday." Of course, they were right and I have had an amazing musical journey. I wish Lang Lang had been around when I was a kid, because I would have thought he was cool.  I may have taken classical music more seriously as something that could be fun and not just what I had to do to get to do the fun stuff. Now as an adult, I love playing Bach and Mozart at home to stay fresh and keep my reading skills up to par.  So, I hope for more musicians like Lang Lang for my kids so that they see there is opportunity to be a great musician regardless of the genre.

Tomlin vs. the Laurie Berkner Band

Laurie05b Christomlinec03_2I purchased the New Laurie Berkner CD last week...Sydney and I are huge fans and we used to be Upper West Side neighbors with her in NYC.  The week before we moved, we attended her concert and it was awesome. I was very excited to get the new CD and we went to Walmart (I was going to download it, but Syd likes the packaging.) We get it in the CD player and the van is rocking! It is a terrific album.  Later that day, we are driving around and Sydney says, "I want to hear the 'Sing' song."  I said, " Are you sure?  This is so great!" She said, "The 'Sing' song is my favorite!"  So Chris, you win over the Laurie Berkner Band! "Sing Sing Sing" beats "Rocketship Run"

Do your kids have favorite songs that surprise you?

(This post is a part of Watercooler Wednesday. Join us!)

Boss or leader?

I love leadership books.  I love reading blogs or really anything that helps me become a better and more effective leader.  I have been blessed in my life to have some truly tremendous leaders pour into my life and I feel a great responsibility to share their investment in my life with the team around me. My hubby e-mailed me this link today and I loved this comparison between a boss and a leader.Boss_cartoon

1. A boss may 'tell' but a leader will 'coach'.
2. A boss tries to rule by force and fear but a leader will encourage, motivate and gain  trust. 
3. The boss focuses on his or her own needs saying 'I'. The leader considers others and uses 'we'.
4. A boss cultivates a blame culture whilst the leader looks for solutions and expects mistakes.
5. The boss can tell you what should be done and how to do it but offers no help. The leader tends to show a person how to do it.


Do you have tendencies to be a boss or a leader?

Not right now

Our Island campus staff made a big decision...we are not going to add another service right now. We feel confident about the times we have chosen (9:30 and 11) but none of us have peace about pulling the trigger right now. It was a really cool moment as Todd (my hubby and Campus Pastor) asked Barb and I what we were sensing from God.  We were all in agreement and felt God was saying,"Not right now." I've been at this juncture so many times in the 4 previous churches I have served with adding services. Sometimes, we went for it and it was a disaster.  Sometimes we went for it and it was a success. Have you ever felt God tell you to wait on a big decision?  How did you handle it?

Obama/McCain forum at Saddleback

T1homesaddlebackcnn It didn't change my mind about either candidate. Pastor Rick did a great job of asking questions that we will probably never hear asked quite like that. Obama was definitely more personable and much more of a conversationalist.  McCain started stumping at times, but then he would surprise me - like the answer about his 1st marriage being his greatest moral failure. Obama represents the new generation of leadership - more focused on what we agree on, not necessarily showing all his cards on everything. McCain is from a generation of fighters - you know where he stands and he will fight you to prove it. America clearly has 2 different choices.  Their answers may have been similar at times, but how they will lead this country is vastly different.