It hit me yesterday as I was enjoying the sound of the thunderstorm at my house...I've has 2 babies this wonder I'm exhausted! My son Sean is 16 months now and our church campus is approaching our one year anniversary. As every parent knows, the first year of life is so much hands on and then they start walking and you enter this awesome phase (at least to me) of them finding their independence and exploring their world. As every church planter knows, the first year of your church is about physical labor (moving stuff from one place to another), praying people show up,hoping everything works every week, and finding leaders. We have entered that awesome phase of our church campus finding their independence and exploring their world now. I've had 2 conversations just this past week with people who are ready to use their gifts and abilities in a major way to influence others. On the home front, Sean is swimming (with floaties) all over the pool now, talking like never before, and eating us out of house and home! The 2 babies are growing up and
I need a nap.