Christmas at Lincoln Center
Gallery musicians celebrating Christmas

Christmas date night



Some of the greatest advice we have ever been given is the importance of continuing to date each other as a married couple.  This has been such an incredible thing to us especially now with a toddler.  We had 9 years of just the 2 of us, so going out and having fun is something that we have made a priority at least every other Saturday night. Every December. Todd and I always try to do one special date night where we have a great meal and then go to something very "Christmasy".  This year, we went to Lincoln Center and saw the New York Ballet Company present The Nutcracker.  This was the original dance company that performed this for the first time in the 1950's.  It was magical!  Todd chose the restaurant - Pair of 8's. It is a very intimate place here on the Upper West Side that he read great reviews on this year - it is fairly new and it was incredible!  They have a new menu everyday.  Todd and I have this thing where when we try a new place, we see who can order the better meal.  Todd won hands down...roasted venison.  I had salmon that was amazing, but his venison was the clear winner!
