Uncreated One
Screwtape on DaVinci Code

Chris, I'm sorry!


Yes, I am an American Idol fan.  This year has been the best overall in talent, in my opinion, so as a singer, I have looked forward to Tuesday nights.  It's my fault and the millions of other people who thought Chris had it wrapped up and didn't vote on Tuesday night - I am so good about voting every week, and yet, I forgot on Tuesday and I am sick about it! So, Chris, I apologize.  No matter though, I WILL buy your record when it comes out! Those who are left are not the best 3 of this season, by far.  So, once again, America gets so close and then we drop the ball.  So who am I pulling for now?  I'm going to have to go with McPhee.  She has the most potential as a singer to really go somewhere because of her musical background and versatility.  Her record will be phenomenal! So, I am a little down today - but it's my fault..sorry, Chris - you are still the man!
