Dumb Christianity?
April 12, 2006
Last night, some of our staff attended a lecture by Dr. Ravi Zacharias at Columbia University. At the end , he gave students the opportunity to Q & A with him. I was particularly intrigued by one question from a student - what is wrong with America's churches? His answer was brief and concise. Basically, Dr. Zacharias believes that the American church has dumbed down the Bible to its congregation. He believes that we have given more emphasis to music than the teaching of God's Word. He stated that the American church gives quick,simple and pat answers to some of life's toughest questions. He believes the hope for the church will be found in this next generation of young people.
I witnessed this new generation of young people who could change America this past January at the Passion 2006 conference. Over 18,000 people were in attendance, most between the ages of 18-25. Let me set the stage...We spent about 40 minutes worshiping God in song - new worship songs, older worship songs, and ancient hymns - a variety of music in a totally rock-n-roll format. People were not listening - they were participating! On their feet worshiping God, singing, dancing...then we are seated with very little transition and Dr. John Piper steps up in a suit and tie and very traditionally asks us to open our Bibles. For the next 45 minutes, He teaches an expository sermon on Christ's suffering. His take away? We are called to suffer and share in Christ's suffering because this is how God's glory is revealed. Then we worshiped again in response to what we heard...
This generation is hungry for more. I think Dr. Zacharias is on to something that we definitely need to consider...